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The Secret Diamond Sisters Michelle Madow Books

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The Secret Diamond Sisters Michelle Madow Books

I adored this author’s previous series, but The Secret Diamond Sisters just did not do it for me. The premise sounds so fun, but unfortunately the characters really dragged it down. It’s all about the three Diamond sisters who find out that their dad is the owner of one of the most luxurious hotel chains in the world. Their mother is being sent to rehab for alcoholism, and their grandmother isn’t able to take care of them while also taking care of their dying aunt, so their long lost father takes them in. He lives in Vegas, which is a huge change for the girls, and they each take to the Strip in different ways.

The Secret Diamond Sisters is told from four POVs and has little snippets from a message board. I was expecting to get chapters from each of the three sisters, but we also get Madison, who is the evil, queen bee of the Vegas teenagedom. I honestly don’t get why her perspective was included. It added nothing to the story, since we learn about her schemes from one of the Diamonds anyway. I found myself skimming a lot of her parts. I did really like the forum threads. They were a fun addition.

The first sister we meet is the youngest, Savannah. She’s very upbeat and is excited to be moving to Vegas and meeting their father. Becoming filthy rich overnight and getting a limitless credit card doesn’t hurt either. She’s the most materialistic of the sisters and I found myself annoyed with her a lot because of this. She goes absolutely crazy with the shopping because, why not? She also wants to be a Pop Star, but is too scared to even sing for her sisters. Makes no sense. She also clings to every guy who pays attention to her. I just could not bring myself to care about her.

The middle sister is Courtney, and I did like her for the most part. She’s the responsible, studious one. She’s the one to take on a part-time job to help cover the bills when their mother spent the rent money on alcohol. She’s not exactly thrilled by her new lifestyle, but she’s willing to give her father the benefit of the doubt. I also liked how she tried not to use her credit card too much, and focused on things she might need and a few small luxurious. However, I had to roll my eyes when she tried to apply for a barista job at the hotel she’s now living in. I get that she doesn’t want to sit around idly and wants to make her own spending money, but come on, there are people who actually need to work and could use her position.

Finally, there’s Peyton. She’s the worst of them all. I hated her from her very first chapter. She thinks she’s so hardcore with her leather dresses and black eyeshadow. It’s her goal to be unhappy with her new life and to make her sisters and father miserable, just to make a point. All she’s doing is embarrassing herself and by extension, her father. She has absolutely no respect for anyone. She only attempts to get her act together when she overhears her father’s business partner say she looks like a prostitute. She’s also not the brightest bulb: ordering lobster to piss off billionaire daddy, using a fake ID where everyone knows who she is, and getting mad when a guy calls her easy after sleeping with him the very night she met him.

The rest of the The Secret Diamond Sisters cast isn’t much better. Madison is a raging bitch for no reason. Or maybe it’s because she’s always hungry after only consuming 800 calories a day? Then there’s the three guys: Damien, Oliver, and Nick. I honestly couldn’t keep them straight. They were pretty interchangeable to me. The only person I did like was Brett, who is the future stepbrother of the Diamond sisters. He’s nice, and I actually loved the whole step-sibling blossoming romance.

Just one nitpicky thing: Why does everyone keep referring to Fairfield as if it’s some teeny town in the middle of nowhere? It’s not! Sure, it’s hardly huge, especially compared to other cities in California, but it’s certainly not small. At all. I know it doesn’t compare to Las Vegas, but the sisters should know better since they’re from there.

The Secret Diamond Sisters was just really disappointing. There’s no central plot, so it’s all about the characters. Too bad all of them were awful.

Read The Secret Diamond Sisters Michelle Madow Books

Tags : The Secret Diamond Sisters (9780373211098): Michelle Madow: Books,Michelle Madow,The Secret Diamond Sisters,Harlequin Teen,0373211090,Romance - General,Social Themes - Runaways,Las Vegas (Nev.);Fiction.,Secrets;Fiction.,Sisters;Fiction.,10029389,115026X,20140301,707220,Canada,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Contemporary; Relationship; Romance; Young Adult,Family & home stories (Children's Teenage),Family - Siblings,Fiction,Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Family Siblings,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Runaways,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Romance - General,Secrets,Secrets;Fiction.,Sisters,Sisters;Fiction.,Social Themes - General,Social Themes - Runaways,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Runaways,Young Adult;Romance;Contemporary;Relationship,Family - Siblings,JUVENILE FICTION Family Siblings,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Runaways,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Love & Romance,Social Themes - General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Runaways,Fiction,Secrets,Sisters,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage)

The Secret Diamond Sisters Michelle Madow Books Reviews

Title The Secret Diamond Sisters

Author Michelle Madow

Series The Secret Diamond Sisters

Chapters 28

Pages 383

Genre Teen Chick lit

Rating 4 stars

I first discovered Michelle’s writing with the Remembrance trilogy. While The Secret Diamond Sisters is different than her first novels the series is still good. While there were scenes and thing that Peyton, Courtney, and Savannah did that I wouldn’t do or approve of. I would however recommend this book to older teens. There wasn’t much language. The Book ended with a slight cliff hanger, but that’s because there are two more books in the series.
I do feel like all three Diamond sisters are falling for guys that they shouldn’t. Savannah’s falling for a guy that’s bad news all the way around. With Peyton and Courtney if things were different who they are falling for wouldn’t be a problem.

That while this wasn’t my favorite book of Michelle’s I do love her writing style. The way she makes the characters leap off the page.
The Secret Diamond Sisters was such a great read!! I am sad when it came to an end. I wish November was here so I can read "Diamonds in the Rough" This story is like an Onion it was so many layers to it, along with such different characters. I usually don't give a spill on my feelings with each character however with this story I will. I will start with the Diamond Sisters. First There is Peyton who reminds me of Peyton of of "One Tree Hill" She has so much anger inside along with a deep rooted protection of her sisters. She feels like she doesn't fit in anywhere and who also wants to be happy. Peyton has not had good luck with guys since 9th grade which is too bad and with that she doesn't trust anyone except her sisters. I hope that there will be an amazing guy for her while she is in Las Vegas and that she finds happiness. Next is Courtney who wants to be loved and accepted by all especially her dad Adrian. She reminds me of Haley off of "One Tree Hill" She is smart and beautiful and wants to also find where she belongs. I love how she cares about her sisters and wants them to be happy. I am shipping she and Brett and hope that things will work out for them because she truly deserves happiness. I loved how she said that she finally feels happy and she doesn't have to worry about taking care of the bills and her mom. I feel that while living in Las Vegas she will unravel so many different mysteries especially the mystery of her baby book and why she was kidnapped. Then there is Savannah who reminds me of Brooke off of "One Tree Hill" sweet innocent Savannah who needs to take her own advice and not listen to Evie because she is not one to shovel out advice. Nick seems like a way good guy but he is for sure hiding something. I don't know how I feel for her feelings for Damien. I hope that she gets her love of singing off the ground and gets discovered while in Las Vegas. Finally there is Madison wow she is quite the piece of work. I don't like her she seems like she is out to destroy everyone's happiness. I feel she and Oliver deserve each other. She is insecure and needs to kind to people sounds like she needs a slice of humble pie. Madison is going to get what is coming to her.. Onto the Guys of the story. I am going to start with Adrian, wow talk about layers. I am not sure how I feel about him. I feel like he cares about his daughters but I am not sure how deep that affection goes. He is definitely hiding a lot of things. Next is Brett. Brett is my favorite he is genuine and kind and cares a lot about Courtney. I feel like he is not a fake and is true to his character. I hope that he and Courtney can be together. Next is Oliver. Wow what a D-bag, Jerk, scum of the earth uses people to his liking and is a miserable guy who is so insecure he doesn't know whether he should be a good guy and be himself. Next is Damian who I also feel is a d-bag and Jerk and is also insecure I feel like he has a lot of growing up to do and decide who the heck he wants because sorry Damian you can do so much better than Madison she is not interested in you. Next is Nick. I think he like Brett is genuine and kind. I feel his feelings for Savannah are true and he doesn't BS about things. I feel he wants to get over Madison and be happy as well. Geez that girl sure knows how to string them along. I do think besides his good qualities he is hiding something. Finally there is Jackson poor Guy I know he likes Peyton but I am glad that he keeps her in check and is honest with her from the get go but who knows.
I really enjoyed this book. I felt I was there with Savannah, Peyton and Courtney living it up in Las Vegas. I loved reading about the parties, the shopping and my favorites of course were Courtney and Brett's Adventures. I also loved how Michelle explored the world of the growing pains of teenagers. I know I can relate to the variety of emotions that these characters go through. I think that Courtney is my Favorite out of the Diamond Sisters. I can't wait to read more when Diamonds in the Rough comes out in November. I highly recommend this book!
I adored this author’s previous series, but The Secret Diamond Sisters just did not do it for me. The premise sounds so fun, but unfortunately the characters really dragged it down. It’s all about the three Diamond sisters who find out that their dad is the owner of one of the most luxurious hotel chains in the world. Their mother is being sent to rehab for alcoholism, and their grandmother isn’t able to take care of them while also taking care of their dying aunt, so their long lost father takes them in. He lives in Vegas, which is a huge change for the girls, and they each take to the Strip in different ways.

The Secret Diamond Sisters is told from four POVs and has little snippets from a message board. I was expecting to get chapters from each of the three sisters, but we also get Madison, who is the evil, queen bee of the Vegas teenagedom. I honestly don’t get why her perspective was included. It added nothing to the story, since we learn about her schemes from one of the Diamonds anyway. I found myself skimming a lot of her parts. I did really like the forum threads. They were a fun addition.

The first sister we meet is the youngest, Savannah. She’s very upbeat and is excited to be moving to Vegas and meeting their father. Becoming filthy rich overnight and getting a limitless credit card doesn’t hurt either. She’s the most materialistic of the sisters and I found myself annoyed with her a lot because of this. She goes absolutely crazy with the shopping because, why not? She also wants to be a Pop Star, but is too scared to even sing for her sisters. Makes no sense. She also clings to every guy who pays attention to her. I just could not bring myself to care about her.

The middle sister is Courtney, and I did like her for the most part. She’s the responsible, studious one. She’s the one to take on a part-time job to help cover the bills when their mother spent the rent money on alcohol. She’s not exactly thrilled by her new lifestyle, but she’s willing to give her father the benefit of the doubt. I also liked how she tried not to use her credit card too much, and focused on things she might need and a few small luxurious. However, I had to roll my eyes when she tried to apply for a barista job at the hotel she’s now living in. I get that she doesn’t want to sit around idly and wants to make her own spending money, but come on, there are people who actually need to work and could use her position.

Finally, there’s Peyton. She’s the worst of them all. I hated her from her very first chapter. She thinks she’s so hardcore with her leather dresses and black eyeshadow. It’s her goal to be unhappy with her new life and to make her sisters and father miserable, just to make a point. All she’s doing is embarrassing herself and by extension, her father. She has absolutely no respect for anyone. She only attempts to get her act together when she overhears her father’s business partner say she looks like a prostitute. She’s also not the brightest bulb ordering lobster to piss off billionaire daddy, using a fake ID where everyone knows who she is, and getting mad when a guy calls her easy after sleeping with him the very night she met him.

The rest of the The Secret Diamond Sisters cast isn’t much better. Madison is a raging bitch for no reason. Or maybe it’s because she’s always hungry after only consuming 800 calories a day? Then there’s the three guys Damien, Oliver, and Nick. I honestly couldn’t keep them straight. They were pretty interchangeable to me. The only person I did like was Brett, who is the future stepbrother of the Diamond sisters. He’s nice, and I actually loved the whole step-sibling blossoming romance.

Just one nitpicky thing Why does everyone keep referring to Fairfield as if it’s some teeny town in the middle of nowhere? It’s not! Sure, it’s hardly huge, especially compared to other cities in California, but it’s certainly not small. At all. I know it doesn’t compare to Las Vegas, but the sisters should know better since they’re from there.

The Secret Diamond Sisters was just really disappointing. There’s no central plot, so it’s all about the characters. Too bad all of them were awful.
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